Independent functioning, more antiseptic politically correct words created for the purpose of insult avoidance from ultra-sensitive people. In the case of a student, the words simply mean working with little or no help.
My student whom God assigned to me, is becoming more independent in the classroom, less reliant on me for assistance, which is wonderful. The flip side is different.
Stubbornness overshadows. KJ is so confident believing many things he is doing is correct when, in fact, they are not.
A sample conversation while preparing for a vocabulary test went like this:
Mr. Terry, I know what to do. I don’t need any help.
Really? Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants?! What does the root word “cycle” mean?
Typhoon? Think again.
Oh, it’s hurricane.
Hurricane!! No, try again.
Cycle means cyclone.
(Getting frustrated) No, cycle means circle.
That’s what I said…circle.
You said “typhoon, hurricane and cyclone”.
Nuh uh. I said “circle”.
And ‘round and ‘round we go.
Trying to find the balance between stubborness and self-reliance is akin to surfing in a circle, uh, I mean typhoon. The problem remains: how to find the fulcrum, the balancing point, the resolution.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
James 1:5
Dear Heavenly Father. As much as I get frustrated with the child you assigned me, you must get frustrated with me too. My self-will often stands in the way of your holy word. I pray that you continue to mold me so to honor Your Name as I complete your works with this child. Thanks for having patience with me and for putting a smile on my face through the KJ.
By the way, the KJ got a ‘B’ on the test. He would have received a higher grade if he remembered the root word of cycle.
Alas, All for the King!