A Very Dark Day Begins

Although the day is considered ordinary by many others, I don’t because it is still God-centered.
The love I hold for these students is no different than God’s love for me: Enduring and forever.

Another day on campus begins. The morning sun lights up life wonderfully.
Flowers bloom, splashing colors sporadically around like a fresh oil painting.
In the classroom my students and I are enjoying the lessons with laughter.
Today is an easy load.
We are playing games involving spoken English.

The morning classes end quickly. Having fun always turn clocks invisible.

Lunchtime comes. I eat in canteen two just as quickly as the morning came and went. Most students do the same. A maximum security prison probably has better looking, tasting, smelling food. It’s just nastiness compounded by nastiness.

Holding my breath, I snarf down the food. I go back to my dorm to nap and burp
away the mystery meats.

90 minutes later feeling fully rested I pray and prepare to walk back to class for afternoon sessions.

Something, however, is looming.

Morning of April 2, 2014