Ways to Give

Dear Friends,

Greetings. I am reaching out to share an exciting mission that God has laid upon my heart several years ago: I’ve written a mini-series titled English Corner. This project is a testimony of faith and transformation, inspired by my own experience teaching and advancing His Kingdom at Pei Zheng College in Guăngzhōu China.

English Corner follows the journey of a frustrated corporate man named MAXWELL PATTON whose faith in God is rekindled as he teaches Spoken English at a Chinese college. The story beautifully captures how God works through Maxwell to transform the lives of his students, demonstrating hope, redemption, and the power of God’s love to change lives. Witnessing the profound transformations in some of Maxwell’s students is a central theme, showcasing the incredible impact of faith and divine intervention in and outside his classroom.

To bring this mission to life, I am working with the Emmy© Award-winning Christian production company, 24 Frames Inc. They will handle all aspects of producing what is known in the industry as a proof-of-concept (PoC) short film, which is essential for pitching English Corner to various film production companies. So, one could say English Corner is a unique way of being on mission. The total projected cost for this PoC is $20,000.00.

Here’s how you can help:
I am seeking partners and collaborators who are willing to support this mission financially. Your contributions will go directly towards pre-production, production, and post-production activities. My goal is, God willing, to raise the necessary funds by October to keep English Corner ongoing and on track.

Ways to contribute:
Donations can be made securely via a special STRIPE account designated for the English Corner PoC endeavor. Any leftover funds will be tithed to the Moody Church (Chicago) general ministry account to support other missionary projects. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Link to donate: https://donate.stripe.com/6oE4k60wT6UddRm4gg

I believe that with your support and God’s continued guidance, we can create a film that not only entertains but also inspires, brings people closer to God and, most importantly, advances His Kingdom.

I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you in considering this partnership. Thank you for your time, and may God bless you abundantly.

All for the King,

Matt Terry